Course Content
- Intro concepts
- Introduction and Overview
- Exploring Access — immersion into a simple PC-based database
- Database Planning
- Design Document
- Database Architecture
- Entity-Relationship Model: Entities, Attributes, Keys
- Entity-Relationship Model: Relationships, Roles and Dependencies
- Additional E-R Modeling Issues
- Extended Entity Relationship Model
- Intro to the Relational Model
- Relational A1lgebra
- Mapping the ER model to Relational DB
- Functional Dependencies
- Normal Forms
- Additional Decomposition Ideas
- check DBMS server login, db access
- SQL Data Definition
- SQL Query sublanguage
- Modifying Relations in SQL
- Views
- Triggers Overview
- Object Data Model
- Universal Modeling Language
- DB Security
- ACID properties
- Isolation in Transactions
- Recovery Atomicity and Durability
- Review and more on file organizations
- Disk Organization
- B-trees
- Hash Files
- Query Optimization Overview
- Sorting, Projection, Union, Difference
- Selection and Join Computation
- Distributed DB Overview
- Data Warehousing and Data Mining
- Big Data and NoSQL
- Databases and the Internet
- Overview of XML
- Social and Ethical Issues
- Review and Catch up
- Database Technologies Summary
Delivery Method:
Instructor-Led Online Training
10 Days