Our Services

We provide the following services: CONSULTANCY SERVICES


We help institutions make IT/software purchasing decisions. We also provide consultancy to individuals in all IT-related services.


Training and skills development


One word to describe NCUBEIT? PICMIC!
  • Patience― Like an incubator, we help you nurture your dreams. We at NCUBEIT place your comfort and benefit beyond every other thing. As such, we are ready to help you go through our incubation (with all the time you may ever need) so you can grow to be the best of yourself. Indeed, your growth is our growth!
  • Integrity― To us, we imagine integrity as a product no money can ever buy. At NCUBEIT, integrity is our hallmark. Every service we provide comes with integrity as a bonus. If you imagine NCUBEIT, imagine integrity!
  • Creativity― We believe in the power of the mind. We value creativity! At NCUBEIT, we always focus on each client’s uniqueness. It is only when we know how unique we are that we can explore our creativity to solve the challenges around us.
  • Motivation― At NCUBEIT, nothing is ever impossible here. We live by challenges. We are inspired to achieve more each day. No IT challenge is ever beyond us!
  • Innovation― Innovation runs in our veins here at NCUBEIT. Two challenges are never solved the same.
  • Connected― With students and lecturers from different backgrounds, we connect each other to our common goal― to be an IT solution. NCUBEIT serves as the common platform where minds can brainstorm to solve challenges.